Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Unexpected Findings, New Media and Nairobi Airport!

I've been meaning to get back into blogging after our server (which housed my previous blog) was stolen in January this year - I found the perfect setting today at 06h00am in a grotty lounge at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi, Kenya! I discovered, much to my amazement and delight, that this small and hidden away lounge has a wifi hotspot. I took a chance connecting to the wireless network, had to play around with my firewall properties but am online - in the most unexpected place.

This is what I love about ICTs and New Media - the fact that you can be surprised almost everyday by something new. Whether its something you find on the Internet, or someone; whether its figuring out a technical problem on your pc/cellphone/laptop - whatever it is, the fact is that there are so many possibilities that you are bound to come across something unexpected.

I really wouldn't have thought coming into this lounge that it would allow me to check my email, surf the net in preparation for the workshop I'm attending and be able to give an account of all of this in real time to people across the world.

New Media really is about interacting and although I'm not engaging with anyone in this lounge, I'm definately interacting with them by interacting with the information that I share on this blog - and so is everyone who reads it.

1 comment:

Serena said...

Kenya is full of surprises, one of my favourite places in the world! Have a good trip, and welcome back to the blogosphere. Serena